

Turnaround Management

We are the good guys.
On your side even in bad times.

Crisis and success - two sides of the entrepreneurial coin.

No one is safe from crises. Rapid developments in global cut-throat competition and the digital change can force medium-sized companies in particular to make drastic adjustments at short notice - up to and including a strategic change of course. Reorganization, restructuring or turnaround? Thanks to our own value-oriented business model approach, broad industry and implementation knowledge and a sophisticated set of methods, we can get your company (back) on the road to success with enormous speed of action. Countably successful. Decisively better.

Countably successful

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    Turnaround and transformation projects since foundation

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    Recommendation rate

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    Success rate

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    until feedback

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    Years of turnaround pioneer

    The classic: turnaround bestseller

    "Turnaround Management in Practice" is based on the authors' experience from three decades of consulting work - from analysis and concept to responsible hands-on management.

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    Modern refurbishment management

    Restructuring as a holistic task: strategic realignment, operational improvement and financial stabilization. This standard work provides you with the necessary business management and legal tools for the prevention and recognition of crises as well as the professional implementation of reorganization and restructuring programs.

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    We share our knowledge…

    … also digital.

    To our reputation

    Decidedly better:
    Our approach: holistic, value-oriented, effective.

    The world - and with it the German SME sector - is undergoing massive, sometimes unpredictable change. Every company is required to put its business model to the test and prepare itself at an early stage in order to successfully master the challenges. Our methodology is based on decades of experience in crisis management and prevention. Our success factor: a stringently derived value proposition. And this encompasses all value dimensions in a dynamic cycle - from value positioning to value extraction.

    "As pioneers of growth-oriented turnarounds in Germany, we focus on achieving a turnaround as quickly as possible in order to put the company (back) on the road to success. We call turnaround management how to set up such a process in a targeted manner, manage it successfully and adjust it effectively."

    Marc-René Faerber, Managing Partner

    Our approach to turnaround management

    In all our recommendations, we attach great importance to the feasibility of our turnaround concept, recommendations for action and catalogs of measures. After all, our work can only be successful for our clients if everyone involved in the turnaround process really understands what, when, where and why to do in order to achieve results as quickly as possible. And it should and must be!

    • Crash-Phase

      2-4 weeks

    • Start restructuring

      1-2 months

    • Implementing restructuring

      3-15 months

    • Realignment

      2-3 years

      IBR and plausibility check

      Complex planning - we can do it easily. Planning means "trial and error". That's why "forward planning" and "backward planning" are part of any promising planning process.


      Restructuring reports according to IDW S6

      Crisis? Overcomeable! Turnaround? Financeable! Future? Realizable! Find out more about IDW S6. With our guide and our turnaround consultants.


      Preventive restructuring (StaRUG)

      Crisis recognized, crisis averted. Early crisis detection and a new preventive restructuring framework. What does it need, what are its benefits and how can it be used cleverly?


      Point of contact

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      Marc-René Faerber Managing Partner Diploma in Industrial Engineering, EMCCC (Insead)

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      Konrad Fröhlich Senior Partner Attorney-at-Law

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      Monika Dussen Partner Diploma in Industrial Engineering

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