

Private Equity

Measurable return on partnership.

Potential vs. risk

Quick decisions, operations under enormous time pressure, maximum flexibility and a weighing up of potential and risk on the basis of reliable data and proven expertise.

Few sectors are as driven by efficiency, numbers and success as private equity. The demands of private equity are correspondingly high when it comes to selecting advisory firms and services.

Only those who demonstrably deliver top level results in the form of validated figures and quantifiable added value are considered. Especially when it comes to the strategic development of a company’s own turnaround, restructuring or value enhancement concepts. Many private equity investors know and appreciate Struktur Management Partner as an author of reliable restructuring reports. However, well-founded analyses and realistic assessment of feasible solutions paired with the necessary SME and industry expertise is only one side of the coin.

Advancing together – digital engineering

The German private equity landscape has been experiencing strong growth for decades, and is at the same time subject to great change. There are few attractive investment opportunities, and yet they stand against growing financial resources. The private equity companies are strongly positioned with regard to their core competences: financial engineering, operational engineering and strategic engineering.

Through the pandemic, new aspects are now coming to the fore. Digital transformation is gaining in importance – particularly for financial investors. With our value-based approach and digital engineering, we can identify the digital potential of your target in the course of the digital due diligence assessment before the acquisition, and derive value-oriented digital strategies from that for after the acquisition.

Digital due diligence:

Putting targets through their digital paces – what digital business model risks, value enhancement potentials, strengths and weaknesses does the company have when we compare its current internal situation with external market and technological developments?

Digital value enhancement programmes:

Effectively leveraging digitalisation potential with a concrete digital strategy and roadmap – what opportunities do process automation, marketing and sales digitalisation and digital services and business models offer to improve efficiency, reduce internal complexity, and help the company stand out from the competition and gain market share?

Digital add-ons:

Acquiring critical digital capabilities – how can targeted M&A measures enhance a portfolio company's equity story, and fill important gaps in its digital organisation?

Further services and benefits for private equity investors

Turnaround programs, securing finances

As Germany’s turnaround pioneer, we have major experience with restructuring, including especially “hot” phases, and in sending in the right experts. Be it a company in your portfolio or one you may acquire, you can rely on our expert restructuring analyses. Problem cases and negative exceptions can turn into positive exceptions through restructuring audits per IDWS 6 and our effective turnaround programs. We restore calm among your stakeholders, helping you secure financing.
A detailed look at our services:
Restructuring report according to IDW S6
Stakeholder Management
Financing hedging

Steadily increasing the value of your portfolio companies

Portfolio optimisation and maintenance are increasingly important activities in the private equity industry. Our value enhancement programmes provide you with targeted support enabling you to achieve your growth goals.
Also, our Value Benchmarker tool reveals what increase in value is possible for your company, quantifying the potential of envisioned measures based on operational performance metrics. Without a lengthy evaluation process. But through a rapid analysis based on the most important value levers.
Value Benchmarker

Industry and management expertise

Strong in operational implementation and broad in experience (including as Chief Transformation Officer), our expert consultants add value in key ways – for mid-sized PE firms in particular. You too can benefit from our unique industry knowledge on the running of enterprises. These are the industries we often work in:

Excerpts from testimonials from our partners

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    Consultant of the Year 2020 (Top Consultant >50 employees)

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    Top Berater 2021 (FOKUS, category Restructuring)

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    IfUS study (firms with turnover ≤ 250 million euros)

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    brand eins consultancy rankings


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