Jan Rodig
Diploma in Business Studies Augsburg, *1979 At Struktur Management Partner since 2020
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"The success of the past is often the greatest danger for the future - especially when the rules of the game radically change"
During my time at university studying business administration, two of my five internships already led me to management consultancies – the steep learning curve, variety of topics and challenging tasks immediately inspired me. Since I wanted to work very close to actual implementation, I spent the first four years of my career in the internal consulting unit of a DAX-listed company. During this time, I helped set up a joint venture of numerous European companies in the field of renewable energies from day one as Interim COO. I then advised medium-sized companies in the areas of marketing, sales and business model innovation for a leading European strategy consultancy. Many of the companies were in phases of change. After a stint as interim CFO of a cloud start-up, I founded an IT service provider focusing on the Internet of Things / Industry 4.0 in 2012, which grew to 40 employees through self-financing. In my seven years as CEO of the company, I supported numerous medium-sized clients in the development of digital strategies, digital products and services, innovative business models, and the successful transformation of their organizations.
During this time, I also got to know and appreciate Struktur Management Partners for their effectiveness in successfully implementing business model transformations and joined the company as a partner in 2020.
- Conception of digital strategies and their implementation support
- Development of innovative products, services and business models
- Organizational and cultural transformation
- Competence focus: Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things
- Industries: mechanical and plant engineering, electrical engineering, trade fair industry, building materials
- Many years of experience as strategy and digitalization consultant as well as founder and CEO of a medium-sized IT service provider
- Member of the working group "Digital Business Models" for the platform Industrie 4.0 of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
- Jury member in the Bavarian business plan competition
Teaching Activities
Lecturer for Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Venture Capital at the Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences
Publications and Articles
- Oktober 2021, DUP Digital Business Talks: So beeinflusst der technologische Wandel traditionelle Geschäftsmodelle
- April 2021, Geschäftsmodell Servitization: Digitale Transformation am Beispiel der Maschinenbauindustrie Fachbuch „Industrie 4.0 - Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke mit digitalisierten Dienstleistungen etablieren“/ Beuth Verlag, Co-Autor
- April 2021, Turnaround Leaders Blog: Digitale Transformation im Private-Equity-Portfolio: Wertsteigerung 4.0
- Februar 2021, Finance-Magazin Transformation im PE-Portfolio: Renditekiller digitale (Un-)Reife?
- Dezember 2020, Markt & Technik Fünf Zutaten, damit die digitale Transformation gelingt
- Oktober 2020, Finance-Magazin Transformation trotz Krise: Wie Unternehmen digital erwachsen werden
- September 2020, Turnaround Leaders Blog Ambidextrie im Mittelstand: Der organisatorische Overkill?
- September 2020, ntv Podcast-Interview „So techt Deutschland“
- September 2020, marconomy Schluss mit dem Digitalisierungstheater – endlich wertorientiert digitalisieren
- August 2020, Elektroniknet Digitalisierung: COVID-19 – Bremsklotz oder Turbo?
- August 2020, Automationspraxis Interview: „Die Strategiekrise wird zur neuen Normalität“
- August 2020, Digital engineering Magazin Die digitale Transformation während Corona: Was Unternehmen jetzt nicht verpassen dürfen – Digital Engineering Magazin (digital-engineering-magazin.de)
- Juni 2020, Jan Rodig im Interview mit FINANCE-TV, Paradox: Wirft Corona die digitale Transformation zurück?
- Thesenpapier: COVID-19: Katalysator oder Sargnagel der Digitalisierung, Digitale Transformation in der (Post)-Corona-Welt, April 2020
- Handbuch Internet of Things – Smart Services & Plattformökonomie, ayway media, 2018, Co-Autor
- Worauf es bei IoT-Projekten wirklich ankommt, Computerwoche, 14.11.2018
- Smarte Produkte und Services – Erfolgreich ins IoT, Elektronik, 18.10.2018
- Wie sich Daten standardisieren lassen, Automation & Digitalisierung, 24.09.2018
- Die Wahl der richtigen IoT-Plattform ist geschäftskritisch, BigData Insider, 29.08.2018
- Geschäftsmodelle mit IoT-Individuallösungen, Funkschau, 18.06.2018
- Ist es sinnvoll, eine IoT-Plattform selbst zu entwickeln?, Industry of Things, 11.05.2018
- Die größten Fehler in IoT-Projekten, silicon.de, 21.02.2018
- Industrie 4.0 – Potenziale erkennen und umsetzen, Vogel Business Media, 2017, Co-Autor
- Wie das IoT das Geschäft der Zukunft prägt, IT & Production, 01.12.2017
- Erfolgreiche IoT-Geschäftsmodelle, Industry of Things, 21.05.2017
- Inhouse-Consulting in Deutschland, Gabler, 2010, Co-Autor