

SMP LeaderTalks

#26 | Serendipity Coincidence

SMP LeaderTalks

13. April 2023

Georgiy Michailov meets Prof. Dr. Christian Busch

46 Min

Superglue, the brownie recipe or post-its. We all know them. What do they all have in common? Great ideas that have enriched our lives - and that all came about by pure chance. Even the discovery of America wasn't planned at all. Now you could say that was simply a product of chance. No more and no less. Or?

Prof. Dr. Christian Busch is of the opinion that there is more to it than that. And that's why he's looking into this very question. His main concern is whether serendipity can be actively brought about by one's own actions. And he has a clear opinion on the matter: It's possible. 

In an interview with Georgiy Michailov, Managing Partner at Struktur Management Partner, he explains why he is convinced that happiness can be actively induced. And like a muscle, this ability can be trained over and over again. 
The prerequisites for this are: rethinking thought patterns, being open to new things and giving the unexpected a chance. 

He gives examples of the role serendipity has played in his life so far. And he reveals how to create visions that you can also achieve and what responsibility leadership has in this context.

*Video only in German

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