

SMP LeaderTalks

#18 | Sleep as a game-changer

SMP LeaderTalks

22. December 2022

Georgiy Michailov meets Prof. Christian Benedict

49 Min

24 years is a long time. Especially when you realise that that is exactly the length of time we spend sleeping on average in our lives. So does that mean we lose around 8760 days to sleep? Fortunately not, says the leading sleep researcher, Prof. Christian Benedict. He knows that good sleep is the key to better performance and health, and a higher quality of life. However, it is not just the duration of our sleep that is critical, but above all its quality. 

Because when we come to rest, all sorts of processes take place in our bodies. We process the impressions of the day, get rid of unnecessary ballast, and make space for new things. And as this happens, our bodies take a break and regenerate.

But all this only works if we do not simply sleep – but sleep well. Then sleep can achieve much more. It makes us efficient, healthy, clever and creative. 

In the current LeaderTalk with Georgiy Michailov, Managing Partner with Struktur Management Partner, he takes us on an exciting journey into the world of sleep. And he shares his conviction that we can become high-performers through the right sort of sleep.

With the help of fascinating scientific findings, Benedict lets us in on the secrets of successful sleep. He confronts us with the fact that our eating and drinking habits are crucial for the quality of our sleep. And indeed in both positive and negative ways. And he reveals the insider tips that really do help when you just can’t get to sleep.

*Video only in German

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