

SMP LeaderTalks

#42 | "Species-appropriate" life for our brain battery

SMP LeaderTalks

23. November 2023

Georgiy Michailov meets Dr. Michael Nehls

On the exhausted brain, thinking system I and the Race Across America.

1 h 23 Min

"The further we move away from species-appropriate living, the more we accelerate the destruction of the hippocampus."

Imagine if you could make better decisions, become more capable of thinking and even protect yourself against diseases such as Alzheimer's. Sounds like a future scenario and not reality, doesn't it? If you ask Dr. Michael Nehls, it's easier than you think. 

Nehls says: "Most diseases of civilization are caused by a lifestyle that is alien to our species."

Conversely, this means: If you don't want to get ill, you have to live healthily. Nehls even goes so far as to say that this is the key to protecting ourselves from diseases such as Alzheimer's.

"A lot happens during sleep that is relevant for our brain."

Nehls also explains why we need a fit hippocampus as the interface between short and long-term memory for our ability to think, what role healthy sleep plays in this and why he is a big fan of algae oil.
And he also talks to Georgiy Michailov in this SMP LeaderTalks episode about how his healthy lifestyle helped him to master one of the toughest endurance competitions.

*Video only in German

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