

Guest Episodes

“Why you don’t need a perfect CV to become a partner.”

LeaderTalks Guest

16. August 2021

Jan Rodig as guest at: “IN. UP! OUT?” with Moritz Neuhaus

30 Min

Anyone who wants to become a consulting partner in management consulting needs top grades and a complete CV. So much for the cliché. Our partner Jan Rodig proves that there is another way. He has a clear opinion on this and is convinced that you can still go far. He says: “You can become a partner even without a perfect CV.” Much more important to him is the enjoyment of structuring, working with people and perseverance.

He is a guest on “IN. UP! OUT?” with Moritz Neuhaus. In this episode he explains that his career wasn't exactly straight, what hurdles he had to overcome and what decisions he was faced with.

Are you curious and want to hear more? Then feel free to listen.

*Video available in German only

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