Dr. Hans-Joachim Grabow
Senior Advisor
Diploma in Business Studies, MSc, EMCCC (Insead) Mönchengladbach, *1961 At Struktur Management Partner since 1993
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"In the management of difficult situations, the hardworking person will eventually experience the reversal of Murphy's Law."
After studying Economics and German in Aachen, Cologne and Vienna, I joined the then founder-managed Struktur Management Partner GmbH in autumn 1993 as a consultant. I quickly realized that effective restructuring is a very demanding task, which to this day brings with it a steep learning curve with satisfying as well as painful experiences. The development of solutions in different contexts requires not only first-class analytical and methodological tools, but above all an interest in working with people. Because people change organizations, not the other way around. I am therefore also very pleased that I was able to deepen the coaching of people in my later development through courses of study at INSEAD, among others.
- Conception and management of situations of radical change with management responsibility at client companies, Turnaround/restructuring management and growth management
- Specialized in strategy, implementation and change management processes
- 24 years of experience in conceptual design in German medium-sized businesses with over 110 projects in a wide variety of industries
Publications and Articles
- Insights: Implementation - the strength of SMEs? How companies go from strategic intentions to tangible success. A joint study by Struktur Management Partner and the University of Witten/Herdecke.
- December 2020, RKW Magazine, Issue 04_2020: The crisis resilience test. A navigation guide for managers in crisis and restructuring mode.
- November 2020: Guidelines for efficient crisis management
- Juni 2020, RKW „Chefsachen", Issue 02_2020: Crisis management after the corona pandemic
- June 2020, RKW Magazine, Issue 02_2020: How companies and managers get through the COVID 19 crisis - or not.
- Beitrag, "Change Management – driving the change, step 3: There has to be a change – but what kind of?", Fahrlehrer:Brief October 2018 „Operational Management“
- Co-author of the bestseller "Turnaround-Management in Practice", published by Campus Verlag
- Co-author of the article "Management in recession", Cologne, SMP 2009
- Co-author "Realism instead of fiction: Result instead of experience", the growth brochure of Struktur Management Partner, Cologne, SMP 2011
- Co-author of the brochure "Scenes of a Marriage. About trust, false expectations and a lot of psychology", Cologne, SMP 2015
- Author of RKW article "How companies get to their future or not – A change guide for executives", Eschborn, RKW 2017