Georgiy Michailov
Managing Partner
Diploma in Economics, B.M. (TSUoE) Kirchzarten, *1978 At Struktur Management Partner since 2003
Import contact data See personal website![[Translate to English:]](/fileadmin/_processed_/b/9/csm_SMP_Management-Team_Ansprechpartner_Michailov-Portrait_4_3_7011a1379e.png)
"Focus on your competitive strengths and your market positioning based on them. Because without a genuine value positioning, a sustainable turnaround is not feasible."

After completing my first degree in business studies in Uzbekistan as well as stopovers in Turkey, the Netherlands and Germany, I successfully completed my studies of economics in Freiburg in 2003. I already got to know SMP as an intern during my studies. The set of values and exciting tasks didn't let me go. In recent years I have passed through all stages of development and became a Partner in 2009 and Managing Partner in 2013.
Internally I am responsible with colleagues for Southern Germany, strategic marketing as well as sales and method development. Furthermore, my main areas of expertise are profitable growth, value-oriented business models and sales optimization.
- Design and implementation of turnaround and fitness programs
- CompetenceCenter Management: growth and sales
- Branch Centre Management: consumer goods and renewable energies
- Most projects with a focus on consumer goods, renewable energies, mechanical engineering, construction suppliers and automotive
- Handelsblatt Award for Best Operational Restructuring 2016
- Many years of experience in turnaround and growth management in upper-level mid-sized companies with an international orientation, over 75 clients in the last 18 years
- Member of TMA Germany (Association for Restructuring TMA Germany e. V.)
- Several advisory board mandates in family businesses
Publications and Articles
- October 2022, Börsen-Zeitung: „Die Transformationsreserven sind aufgebraucht“
- October 2022, Buch Campus Verlag: “Redesigning Business Models”
- October 2022, „Play long-term games with long-term people“ – Interview by Daniel Nerlich from Consultant career lounge
- July 2022, Plattform für Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit, „Auf die Werte kommt es an" - im Gespräch verrät Georgiy Michailov, wie wichtig Werte für den Unternehmenserfolg sind
- Jun 2022, Existenz Magazine Issue #33: Inflationsmanagement als neue Kernkompetenz oder: Wie externe Stressfaktoren einen ultimativen Test für die eigene Wertpositionierung und Resilienz liefern
- March 2022, Marktstudie „Büromöbel – Eine Branche zwischen Wachstum, Preisdruck und Konsolidierung“
- March 2022, KSI – Krisen- Sanierungs- und Insolvenzberatung, Ausgabe 02.22: Wertorientiertes Geschäftsmodell–Redesign als Fundament eines erfolgreichen Turnarounds
- February 2022, Existenz Magazine Issue #31: Wie sieht der „Nachhaltigkeits-Reifgrad" aus?
- January 2022, KSI – Krisen- Sanierungs- und Insolvenzberatung, Ausgabe 01.22: Wertorientiertes Geschäftsmodell–Redesign als Fundament eines erfolgreichen Turnarounds
- October 2021, Book "Chef Sache Marke“: Excerpt from an interview
- September 2021, TextilWirtschaft Interview: Preisnachlässe werden überschätzt
- September 2021, INDat Report: Werte heben und das Blatt wenden
- August 2021, Buch Verlag Franz Vahlen: 6. Auflage Modernes Sanierungsmanagement
- August 2021, Der Treasurer: StaRUG: So führt ein Händler ein Frühwarnsystem ein
- August 2021, Saatkorn: Interview zum Buch Geschäftsmodelle richtig bewerten
- July 2021, Buch Campus Verlag: Geschäftsmodelle richtig bewerten
- July 2021, Turnaround Leaders Blog: Vorausschauende Führung vor, während und nach der Krise
- June 2021, OtWtNW: Das einzig legitime Ziel von Führung ist: die Selbstführung!
- June 2021, Turnaround Leaders Blog: CPOs führen radikale Transformationen schneller und wirksamer zum Erfolg
- June 2021, Turnaround Leaders Blog: Wertorientiertes Organisationsdesign als Fundament effektiver Organisationen
- April 2021, Turnaround Leaders Blog: Data Analytics als Werthebel im Produktportfolio-Management
- April 2021, Turnaround Leaders Blog: Wirtschaftsstabilisierungsfonds bzw. BayernFonds als „Last Resort“ der Finanzierung: Erfahrungen und Erfolgsfaktoren
- February 2021, Turnaround Leaders Blog: Lockdown 2.0 im Handel - Der harte Kampf ums Überleben! - Ein Praxisbericht
- March 2021, Handels Journal: Zero Umsatz statt Zero Covid
- December 2020, RKW Magazine, Issue 04_2020: The crisis resilience test. A navigation guide for managers in crisis and restructuring mode.
- November 2020: Guidelines for efficient crisis management
- October 2020, Georgiy Michailov in a discussion with Dr. Reinhard K. Sprenger: Leadership clearly and precise put into a nutshell.
- July 2020, Author SectorForum (BranchenForum) „E-Mobility“, Electric mobility is a good thing. However, only if you give your clients a lot of time and money to set up and run. Should you?
- July 2020, FINANCE Magazine Transformation, an article by Jessica Hirsch and Georgiy Michailov "Corona Virus: Five Success Factors for State Guarantees"
- July 2020, expert paper, Royal Triad – Cash, Payback, Dominance: Three types of companies in the COVID-19 crisis and the success measures for coping with the crisis
- July 2020, KSI – Krisen- Sanierungs- und Insolvenzberatung, Issue 04.20: The renaissance of radical operative restructuring?
- June 2020, RKW Magazine, Issue 02_2020: How companies and managers get through the COVID 19 crisis - or not.
- June 2020, Georgiy Michailov in an interview with FINANCE-TV, „The suffering is back“
- May 2020, Georgiy Michailov in an RKW-podcast-interview, "Hard"- and "Heart"-Facts in Crisis Management
- April 2020, Commentary in „Maturus Aktuell“ – Emergency mode in the COVID-19-crisis. How entrepreneurs stay in the driverseat and secure their existence.
- April 2020, "Successful turnaround in the crisis“, a remote interview series with Division One
- February 2020, Georgiy Michailov in an interview with FINANCE-TV: "From cars to mechanical engineering: industries in crisis mode – Why machine tool construction could soon follow the crisis path in the automotive sector.“
- Guest commentary by Georgiy Michailov and Janis Steinfort, Existenz Magazin, February 2020, Contingency funding by occupational pension
- In Cooperation (sponsor & co-author) with the FINANCE Think Tank Corporate Finance & Banking, Jan 2020, white paper: Financing in a downturn – An analysis of the coming crisis
- Sept/Oct 2019, Interview with FINANCE Magazine „Out of Fashion“
- April 2019, Interview with Existenz Magazin „Zombies – Dawn of the dead companies"
- March 2019, Georgiy Michailov in an interview with FINANCE-TV: "Wave of bankruptcies in the textile industry will continue."
- Stakeholder-Management ist entscheidend für den Turnaround-Erfolg, an article by Georgiy Michailov, February 2019
- Interview article in the recently published book "Chefsache Marke - Wie markenzentrierte Unternehmensführung über den Erfolg entscheidet" ("Brand as a matter of management - how brand-centred corporate management decides success"), author Jörg Bürkle, February 2019
- November 2018: "Totally misplanned. The six most common psycho-logics of false prognoses of the future."
- October 2018: Five errors in reasoning that – sooner or later – will certainly lead to a company crisis, an article by Georgiy Michailov
- FINANCE Magazine 08/2018: The new IDW S6 help to encourage equity, article with statements by Georgiy Michailov and Maximilian Pape
- Author of expert study: Stringency, brand, price. The earnings triad in the consumer goods industry.
- FINANCE Magazine 11/2017: New version of IDW S6: "Serious weakness" – The new version of the IDW S6 restructuring standard threatens to make debt-to-equity swaps more difficult, warn the two restructuring experts Georgiy Michailov and Maximilian Pape.
- Reorganization only with adequate equity capital in the balance sheet? – An article by Georgiy Michailov and Maximilian Pape in "return. Magazine for Transformation and Turnaround", 2017
- FINANCE Magazine 6/2015: "Why business plans are so often wrong. Psychological planning errors: the six most common causes."
- "Realism instead of fiction: Result instead of experience", the growth brochure of Struktur Management Partner.
- FINANCE Magazine 4/2013: "Most crises are homemade" – Restructuring consultant Georgiy Michailov on the causes of corporate crises
- technology & management 2007: "Success through crisis. Processes and factors of effective management."
- Collaboration on the bestseller "Turnaround-Management in der Praxis", published by Campus Verlag