
Digital Performance

Digital Performance

Digitalisation that pays off.

How competitive is your company from a digital perspective? 

Companies that digitalize consistently and intelligently are more profitable and have a higher enterprise value. For example, due to faster, more transparent and efficient processes, more satisfied and loyal customers and employees, profitable new sales channels, additional sources of revenue or new business models. There is plenty of undiscovered potential here, especially for the upper midmarket in Germany.

With us, you can keep track of all the opportunities: Of risks and potentials. About necessary requirements and sensible technologies. Together, we will leverage your digital potential effectively and sustainably. 

With a tailored digital strategy, an effective digital value enhancement program or a successful turnaround of your digital units. Countably successful. Decisively better.

Countably successful

  • %

    Recommendation rate by our customers

  • >

    Digital Value Creation projects by our team

  • + ,4%P

    EBIT margin n increase through digital value creation initiatives in the SME sector

  • + ,25x

    Average EBITDA multiple increase for PE portfolio companies through digital value creation

    We are happy to share our expertise

    Digitization in the SME sector

    The DigiKompetenz podcast with Jan Rodig is all about digital skills that are critical to success and strategic perspectives for the future.


    Process automation and no end in sight

    The State of Process Automation podcast episode focusing on the need for digitalization in SMEs and the right digital value levers.


    How Germany teaches

    Listen to the ntv podcast with our digital expert Jan Rodig now. Or read the related Capital article.


    Digital Performance Conference

    Every year, we give successful and visionary managing directors, entrepreneurs and top digital decision-makers from the SME sector a stage with the DPC and provide valuable, concrete practical impulses. From people who have their finger on the pulse of developments: from real digital movers and shakers.

    To the DPC page

    The 3 levers for increasing digital value

    Which digitalization pays off for you? Plan your individual digital strategy in concrete packages of measures along the three value levers. What will get you to your goal quickly and what will help you in the long term? Evaluate and prioritize measures according to their effectiveness and implementation time as well as the associated opportunities and risks.

    Process digitalization

    Make existing value creation faster, more cost-effective, safer and less error-prone. With process digitalization, artificial intelligence and many other technologies - in the administrative area and on the store floor.

    Marketing & sales digitalization

    Sell your services via digital channels - to reach new target groups, reduce your customer acquisition and transaction costs and generate valuable data. Use: eCommerce, D2C, online marketing, supporting apps for sales, etc.


    Digital Services & Business Models

    Create new sources of revenue, either in addition to existing services or as stand-alone offerings. Or transform transactional business into a pay-per-use model. With the supreme discipline: digital services & business models.

    How digital value enhancement succeeds

    "The success of the past is often the greatest danger for the future - especially when the rules of the game change radically."

    Jan Rodig, Partner Digital Performance & Analytics

    Our approach to digital value creation

    Regardless of whether you are an entrepreneur, private equity investor, financier or operationally responsible manager. We will guide you through the chaos of the digital revolution: in terms of partnership, finance and performance.

    • Impulse and analysis phase

      Well-founded determination of the digital maturity level, internal expertise mixed with a professional external view of digital developments in industries, competitors, platforms, etc.

    • Analysis and conception phase

      Realistic assessment of the initial situation as well as the opportunities, risks, strengths and weaknesses is transformed into a robust strategic roadmap.

    • Implementation phase

      Support during development and implementation. Proven ecosystem of numerous relevant partners with very specific digital expertise (e.g. machine learning). Measurable results speak for themselves. 

      What is effective in the short term and what supports the long-term strategy? And how does it all pay off? Start your digital transformation and arrange a kick-off workshop.

      Point of contact

      [Translate to English:]

      Jan Rodig Partner Diploma in Business Studies

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      Benjamin Klenk Partner Diploma in Industrial Engineering

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