

SMP LeaderTalks

#67 | Developing strengths, breaking age barriers

SMP LeaderTalks

2. October 2024

Georgiy Michailov meets Dr. Irène Kilubi

About the SOUL method, successful diversity and lifelong learning.

49 Min

"Age is the only dimension in the diversity debate that we have in common."

When you think of 'diversity', you probably have a lot of buzzwords in your head. But does it also include age? Hardly. Because despite all the diversity debates, the discussion has hardly ever revolved around our age. Yet sooner or later it will affect us all.

"We need to talk to each other instead of about each other."

Dr. Irène Kilubi sees this as our great opportunity. She is the author of the book “You are more than a number. Why age doesn't matter” and founder of the JOINT GENERATIONS initiative. There she promotes communication and cooperation between different age groups. She advocates intergenerational cooperation instead of intergenerational conflict and cooperation between generations. And she is convinced that this exchange creates real magic in everyday working life.

"We should manage to bring together the wisdom from both worlds."

After all, both sides - young and old - benefit from the different perspectives, knowledge and networks of the other generation.
In this episode of SMP LeaderTalks with Georgiy Michailov, Kilubi talks about her experiences with ageism. Why the transfer of knowledge between people of different generations is so crucial for the success of a company and what makes the special magic of different age groups for her. 

*Video only in German

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