

SMP LeaderTalks

#4 | Successful value creation and simple strategy

SMP LeaderTalks

3. June 2022

Georgiy Michailov meets Prof. Felix Oberholzer-Gee

54 Min

For many people, strategy is a difficult concept to grasp – something they associate more with magic than with science. And yet it is not that difficult to put together a targeted strategy. It is however important to get it right, because profit follows value, as Felix Oberholzer-Gee makes clear. Why are the best development opportunities to be found in our immediate vicinity? Why is the willingness – of customers to pay, and employees and suppliers to sell – the most important factor in value development? We demonstrate why some companies are so much more profitable than their competitors. The renowned Harvard Professor for Strategy Prof. Felix Oberholzer-Gee discusses with Georgiy Michailov, Managing Partner with Struktur Management Partner, how to redefine the value matrix for good strategy.

*Video only in German

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