

SMP LeaderTalks

#56 | Criminal masterminds

SMP LeaderTalks

22. May 2024

Georgiy Michailov meets Mark T. Hofmann

On psychopathy, serial killers and cybercrime.

1 h 8 Min

"You used to need intellect to be a hacker - since the advent of AI, any idiot can hack."

Imagine you receive a phone call: you hear the unmistakable voice of your partner telling you about an emergency situation and asking you in a panic to quickly transfer money to an account you don't know. What do you do?  

"The highly intelligent, charismatic and educated serial killer is a Hollywood myth."

Calls like these are no longer a rarity in the age of artificial intelligence. Hackers use AI to generate so-called deep fakes to pressure people into paying using the voices of their loved ones. According to our guest at this SMP LeaderTalk, anyone who thinks they are not interesting enough for hackers is wrong. Because according to Mark T. Hofmann, no one is safe from a hack - because these days, virtually anyone can commit one.

"At 2-6%, the rate of psychopathy at management level is two to three times higher than in the general population."

Hofmann is a world-renowned cybercrime and intelligence analyst. He is driven by the question: Why do psychopaths and cybercriminals do what they do? With Georgiy Michailov, Hofmann talks mercilessly honestly about the dark world of cybercrime. He explains what psychopathy is all about and how we recognize psychopaths. Why the psychopathy rate among managers is so high. And what we can do to protect ourselves from hackers in addition to a good firewall.  

*Video only in German

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